Truk Wreck Baseline Project
“Over the past 5 years the rate of deterioration and collapse of these World War II wrecks has created a lot of concern. It is also estimated that large amounts of oil are still in the holds of these corroding ships. If this oil spills then it will not only cause major environmental damage but also affect the lives of most of the local people who rely on tourism.
Creating this baseline will help monitor the rate of decay and enable plans to be made to ensure the future of Truk Lagoon as the location of the world’s best wreck diving!”
In 2019, Marcus was headhunted to be a pivotal member of the Truk Lagoon Wreck Baseline Project, to provide both scanning services and to train the other team members.
To date the project has scanned 18 wrecks.
Regular updates are posted on the project’s Facebook page.